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Advocate for Carbon Free Federal Buildings

Retrofits to improve the energy efficiency of buildings are an important part of reducing overall carbon emissions. The federal government has made great strides in this area. Energy used in buildings accounts for over 25% of federal emissions,346 and under “The Federal Sustainability Plan” (Executive Order 14057) the government aims to reach net-zero building emissions by 2045.347 This plan will require electrical and energy efficiency upgrades in thousands of federal buildings. In the short term, federal employees (including IAM members) will benefit from retrofits through cleaner air and more comfortable temperatures at their workplaces. In the long term, retrofits will save the government money and contribute to reducing harmful emissions.

The IAM represents tens of thousands of federal workers and is well-positioned to turn initiative into action. Elements of deep energy retrofits include applying reflective roof coatings, installing high-efficiency HVAC systems, insulating walls and ceilings, and replacing inefficient appliances.348 Advocacy for follow through on building decarbonization can help the IAM build strategic relationships with building trades unions, who are likely to see new work in this initiative for their members. NFFE-IAM members in the GSA will be responsible for administering contracts for these upgrades, and the IAM can help members craft demands for adequate training and sufficient staffing ahead of project implementation. Advocating for the federal government to meet its targets is one way to spur job creation and help members feel the benefits of decarbonization.