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Ensuring Climate Jobs are High-Quality, Union Careers

Union organizing is central to creating high-quality jobs in the climate and clean energy economy, and public policy plays an important role in making widespread organizing possible. With the right policies in place, the IAM and other unions can raise standards for all workers and give them a fair shot at organizing their workplaces. The IAM’s advocacy for strong labor and equity standards attached to public and private climate investments can ensure that new jobs are high-quality, union careers that expand pathways into the middle class.


346 The White House, “Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces First-Ever Federal Building Performance Standard.”

347 The White House, “Federal Sustainability Plan: Catalyzing America’s Clean Energy Industries and Jobs | Office of the Federal Chief Sustainability Officer.”

348 U.S. Department of Energy, “Advanced Energy Retrofit Guide: Practical Ways to Improve Energy Performance K–12 Schools.”


Advocate for Labor Standards in the Clean Energy EconomyDevelop Community-Labor Partnerships in Support of Labor StandardsChampion Labor Law ReformPass the Tim Hart Wildland Firefighter Classification and Pay Parity ActSupport and Engage with the American Climate Corps