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Use Department of Defense Climate Readiness Projects to Expand Service Contract Act and Civilian Military Organizing

In 2024 alone, the DoD will spend $5.1 billion on climate readiness projects on military bases. Spending at this scale is expected to continue well into the future.344 Climate readiness projects, like the pilot net-zero base project at Fort Hunter Liggett and the construction of two million solar panels at Edwards AFB,345 will create work opportunities for the civilian military workers who manage projects and for the military contractors who carry them out.

The IAM should track and analyze military spending on climate readiness to identify new organizing opportunities for federal civilian workers and with SCA contractors. Additionally, the IAM can advocate for increasing climate readiness funding in the military and across the federal


341 Krisher, Tom and Hall, Kristin M., “Tennessee Volkswagen Employees Overwhelmingly Vote to Join United Auto Workers Union.”

342 Associated Press, “Workers at Georgia School Bus Maker Blue Bird Vote in Favor of United Steelworkers Union.”

343 CALSTART, “Summary of Clean Transportation Provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act.”

344 Congressional Research Service, “Climate Change and Adaptation: Department of Defense.”

345 Department of Defense, “Sustainability Plan.”

government. The IAM can also support existing high-road union contractors as they bid for this critical work.