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Establish Member-Led Climate Committees

Across North America, IAM members–Wildland Firefighters, Airline Network Operations Control Officers, healthcare workers, and so many more–are at the frontline of the climate crisis.386 IAM members have a wealth of knowledge and expertise from their everyday experiences that can inform how the IAM formulates climate solutions.

Member-led climate committees can track changing working conditions, coordinate member education, and formulate specific bargaining priorities. This could increase member engagement, improve climate literacy, and help gather better information about climate impacts


383 The Boeing Company, “2024 Sustainability & Social Impact Report.”

384 Honeywell, “Energy Transition.”

385 Frietcheb, interview.

386 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, “Updated Data on IAM Membership by Industry,” May 22, 2024.

on members and workplaces. Climate Committees are also an opportunity to engage young people who care deeply about climate change.

Climate Committees could be modeled on the constitutional requirement for the Women’s and Human Rights Committees, and they could coordinate with both of those committees, as well as the Safety and Health Committees. They can also receive training from the Winpisinger Center and participate in the development and deployment of climate education modules across the union. Climate Committees could also conduct member surveys to better understand climate impacts on members, attitudes and current levels of engagement on climate issues, and potential climate-conscious bargaining demands for future negotiations.