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Decarbonize the IAM’s Physical Infrastructure

With IAM lodges in communities across North America, and representatives driving thousands of miles each year to organize and enforce contracts, conducting the business of the union can be carbon intensive. The IAM can be a leader in decarbonization by supporting energy efficiency upgrades, installing renewable energy in lodge halls, and decarbonizing its vehicle fleet. This is an opportunity to reduce emissions and improve lodges for members. These efforts will reduce carbon emissions bEdit with Zoterout will save money in the long run.

Headquarters can help local and district lodges apply for tax credits for energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy installation. Under the IRA Direct Pay program, tax-exempt entities (e.g. non-profits, churches, municipalities and unions) are eligible for cash payments from the IRS for sustainable energy projects.373 When these projects are built with strong labor standards and community benefits, the union can receive up to 70% of the total project cost in direct payments from the government. Direct pay will cover renewable energy installation, and the associated 179D commercial buildings energy-efficiency tax deduction can cover weatherization and energy efficiency retrofits.374 The IAM could use these tax credits to upgrade lodges across the country.

IAM Lodges can also advocate for their communities to take advantage of federal programs to upgrade municipal infrastructure. By educating local governments and promoting direct pay projects, the IAM can help bring resources into communities that need them, all while reducing climate impacts and making IAM facilities more efficient.

The IAM can also incentivize the use of electric and low carbon vehicles for IAM business, be it through fleet purchases or an employee vehicle use reimbursement policy. New EVs are eligible for up to $7,500 in tax credits.375 The IAM could utilize the direct pay program to install EV charging stations at lodges to facilitate employee charging. If open to the public, EV charging


373 Progressive Caucus Center, “FAQs on Direct Pay.”

374 Progressive Caucus Center.

375 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service, “Clean Energy Tax Incentives for Individuals.”

stations could become an income source for Lodges and a way to build connections with local community members.