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Pass Local and National Legislation to Create Climate Jobs
The global climate crisis will not be solved without U.S. and Canadian leadership to dramatically decarbonize our economies. Legislation at the national, state, provincial, and local levels is critical, and the IAM is positioned to spearhead labor-led legislative campaigns. This report outlines a specific climate jobs policy agenda that can serve as a starting point.
The IAM should further integrate support for good clean energy jobs into its legislative priorities at every level of government. Legislation that incentivizes decarbonization, infrastructure adaptation, the development of clean energy industries, and workforce development should be prioritized. IAM members in traditional industries have a wealth of experience and skills that should be utilized as new industries develop. A climate analysis framework can extend to the IAM’s positions on trade, where policy should account for global environmental impacts. A focus on climate forward legislation at all levels of government will open up new organizing and job creation opportunities for the IAM, as well as chances to build new legislative partnerships.
362 Ceresola, “Doing Poor in AmeriCorps.”
363 American Climate Corps, “SolarCorps Construction Design Fellow.”
364 Yeager and Krasna, “When Money Is Not Enough.”
365 American Climate Corps, “What You’ll Do | American Climate Corps.”
366 Ma and Tschirhart, “Enhancing Self-Efficacy During Community Service.”