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Zach Cunningham

Training & Education Associate

Climate Jobs Institute at Cornell University, ILR School

Rohan Palacios

Training & Education Support Specialist

Climate Jobs Institute at Cornell University, ILR School

Alejandra Rodriguez Diaz Research Support Specialist

Climate Jobs Institute at Cornell University, ILR School

Lauren M. Burke

Labor, Climate Policy and Movement Building Consultant


David White

Director of Strategic Resources

Jonathan Battaglia Communications Director

DeLane Adams

Assistant Communications Director

Tazewell Hurst

Senior Research Economist

John Harrity

Retired President, Connecticut State Council of Machinists President Emeritus, Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs


Lara Skinner Melissa Shetler Katie Hayden

Avalon Hoek Spaans Iris Packman

Ben Harper Lexi Scanlon

Bethany Figueroa


617 Media Group


The authors would like to thank IAM International President Brian Bryant and the IAM Executive Council for their support of this project, as well as John Harrity for his leadership over the years to prioritize climate action within the IAM and the broader labor movement. We would also like to thank the many IAM members, leaders, and staffers who spoke to us during the course of this project. We could not have done this project without your insights.


The opinions, analysis, findings, and/or data interpretation contained herein are the authors’ responsibility, and we take full responsibility for any errors or shortcomings.